Intro to the Inviter
- You run the process of on-boarding a new member.
- Please ensure you provide them with a link to the pre-meeting page and that they complete those items before the recorded Induction Meeting.
- Contact those you want to invite...
- Have them read the book; answer their questions
- Ensure they are familiar with and will support the principles of Eden, found in the More Equal Animals
- Please ensure that you read this entire page and run the Induction Meeting from the script below.
- At the end of this document, there are resources for running a meeting. There is an image that should be used as the participant's backgrounds as well as a video of a sample Induction Meeting.
Intentions of meeting
- Inviter (1): vouches for the Invitee
- Witnesses (2): to prevent collusion and sybil attacks
- Recording: provides public record of the induction of each new member (keep under 2 min.)
- Peace treaty agreement: new member acceptance requires agreement to the Peace Treaty
The Roles
- Inviter (1)
- Invitee (1)
- Witnesses (2)
Eden Induction Ceremony How-To
Our Eden Induction Meeting process utilizes Zoom for recording the virtual Induction Ceremony. Since these will be uploaded to IPFS, keep the recording under 2 minutes, ideally 1 minute.
The requirements for a successful ceremony submission include a Zoom recording of an Authenticated Eden Induction Ceremony.
Eden Induction Ceremony Requirements:
All participants must have a Zoom account; it is free, and we have tutorials to assist with everything that follows.
One person will lead the Induction Ceremony, they will also be responsible for recording the meeting and uploading the recording, as well as, making sure all participants follow the Authentication and Ceremonial requirements. Please remind participants to keep themselves muted until it is time for them to speak to provide clean audio.